Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Property management

Verbel Montreux

Place du Marché 6, 1820 Montreux VD

Now open until 12:30 as well as 13:30 - 17:30

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking garage de la Gare de Montreux
2 Parking garage
3 Parking lot
4 Ship Montreux (lac)
5 Bus Montreux, débarcadère
6 Bus Montreux, Théâtre Mtx Riviera
7 Bus Montreux, Le Pont
8 Bus Montreux, rue du Marché
9 Bus Montreux-Les Planches
10 Bus Montreux, La Corsaz
11 Bus Montreux, rue Industrielle
12 Bus Montreux, Les Planches
13 Bus Montreux, Marché
14 Verbel Montreux
15 Bus Montreux, midi
16 Bus Montreux, La Paix
17 Bus Montreux, Doyen-Bridel
18 Bus Montreux, av. Nestlé
19 Parking garage Marché-Forum
20 Bus Montreux, casino
21 Bus Montreux, Bon-Port