Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Tailor's shop, Garment factory, Sewing center

Wichmann, Patricia

Fussweg 17, 3940 Steg VS

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot Milimattu, Feuerwehrlokal
2 Bus Steg VS, Eggi
3 Bus Steg VS, Bäckerei
4 Wichmann, Patricia
4 Zick Zack Atelier
5 Parking garage Gemeinde Steg-Hohtenn
6 Cable car Gampel (Talstation Jeizinen)
7 Bus Gampel, Talstation LGJ
8 Bus Steg VS, Hallenbad
9 Bus Gampel, Dorf
10 Bus Gampel, Schulhaus
11 Bus Steg VS, Kirche
12 Bus Gampel, Zentrum
13 Bus Steg VS, Zentrum Metropol
14 Parking garage Migros
15 Parking lot Gemeinde Gampel-Bratsch
16 Parking lot
17 Bus Steg VS, Feldegg
18 Parking lot Parkplatz Regionalschule
19 Parking lot Gemeinde Gampel-Bratsch