Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Grocery store, Catering service

Witwe Bolte's GmbH

Paradieshofstrasse 118, 4054 Basel

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Parking lot
2 Tram Allschwil, Kirche
3 Bus Basel, Wielandplatz
4 Bus Allschwil, Parkallee
5 Bus Basel, St. Galler-Ring
6 Bus Basel, Rigistrasse
7 Bus Basel, Wanderstrasse
8 Tram Allschwil, Ziegelei
9 Bus Allschwil, Bettenacker
10 Bus Basel, General Guisan-Strasse
11 Tram Basel, Bernerring
12 Bus Allschwil, Letten
13 Parking lot Jumbo
14 Tram Basel, Laupenring
15 Parking garage Jumbo
16 Parking lot
17 Witwe Bolte's GmbH
18 Tram Basel, Neubad
19 Bus Allschwil, Paradies
20 Tram Basel, Im langen Loh
21 Tram Basel, Neuweilerstrasse
22 Bus Basel, Holee
23 Bus Allschwil, Zum Sporn
24 Parking lot
25 Bus Binningen, Allschwilerweg
26 Bus Binningen, Tiefengraben