Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Spalentorweg 15, 4051 Basel

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1 Tram Basel, Hegenheimerstrasse
2 Tram Basel, Pilgerstrasse
3 Car park (almost full) Storchen
4 Tram Basel, Schifflände
5 Tram Basel, Marktplatz
6 Tram Basel, Spalentor
7 Parking garage Ahornhof
8 Tram Basel, Birmannsgasse
9 Tram Basel, Universität
10 Wortgewandt
11 Tram Basel, Musik-Akademie
12 Tram Basel, Brausebad
13 Tram Basel, Schützenmattstrasse
14 Bus Basel, Synagoge
15 Tram Basel, Schützenhaus