Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


Zaugg, Brigitte

Flurweg 31, 4852 Rothrist AG

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Railway Rothrist
2 Parking lot Sennhof-Parkplatz
3 Parking lot SBB
4 Bus Rothrist, Breitenpark
5 Bus Rothrist, Bahnhof
6 P+Rail P+Rail
7 Bus Rothrist, Sennhof-Dörfli
8 Parking lot Parkplatz Lidl
9 Parking lot Parkplatz Dörfli
10 Parking lot Parkplatz Bezirkschulhaus
11 Bus Rothrist, Grüebli
12 Parking lot Parkplatz bei der ref. Kirche
13 Person Zaugg, Brigitte
14 Bus Rothrist, Brunnhalde
15 Bus Rothrist, Neue Industriestr.
16 Bus Rothrist, Weier
17 Bus Rothrist, Oberwil