Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner

Dentist, Dental hygiene

Zehnder, Roy

Rue Prévost-Martin 4, 1205 Genève

Still closed, open today 10:00 - 18:00

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Genève, Bovy-Lysberg
2 Bus Genève, Théâtre
3 Bus Genève, Place des Eaux-Vives
4 Parking garage des Gazomètres
5 Parking garage Rive-Centre
6 Parking lot
7 Tram Genève, Rive
8 Bus Genève, Village-Suisse
9 Bus Genève, Cathédrale
10 Parking garage David-Dufour
11 Tram Genève, Place de Neuve
12 Tram Genève, Cirque
13 Bus Genève, Hôtel-de-Ville
14 Tram Genève, Terrassière
15 Tram Genève, Villereuse
16 Bus Genève, Taconnerie
17 Parking garage de Villereuse
18 Bus Genève, Bourg-de-Four
19 Bus Genève, Sainte-Clotilde
20 Bus Genève, Palais Eynard
21 Bus Genève, Saint-Antoine
22 Bus Genève, Bains
23 Parking garage Uni-Dufour
24 Parking garage Saint-Antoine
25 Bus Genève, Musée art et histoire
26 Parking lot
27 Bus Genève, Liszt
28 Bus Genève, Tranchées
29 Bus Genève, Muséum
30 Bus Genève, Eglise Russe
31 Parking garage Plaine de Plainpalais
32 Parking garage Plaine de Plainpalais SA
33 Bus Genève, Athénée
34 Tram Genève, Plainpalais
35 Parking lot
36 Bus Genève, Musée d'ethnographie
37 Bus Genève, Ecole-de-Médecine
38 Parking lot
39 Bus Genève, Petit-Palais
40 Parking lot
41 Bus Genève, Florissant
42 Bus Genève, Philosophes
43 Zehnder, Roy
44 Bus Genève, Contamines
45 Bus Genève, Place Claparède
46 Bus Genève, Lombard
47 Tram Genève, Uni-Mail
48 Tram Genève, Pont-d'Arve
49 Parking garage
50 Bus Genève, Hôpital
51 Parking garage Lombard
52 Parking lot
53 Parking lot Centre sportif des Vernets
54 Parking garage Lombard
55 Bus Genève-Champel, gare/Peschier
56 Bus Genève, Vernets
57 Bus Genève-Champel, gare/Hôpital
58 Bus Genève, Dancet
59 Parking lot
60 Tram Genève, Acacias
61 Railway Genève-Champel
62 Bus Genève-Champel, gare
63 Tram Genève, Augustins
64 Parking garage la Colline
65 Bus Genève, Clinique La Colline
66 Bus Genève, Maternité-Pédiatrie
67 Bus Genève, Epinettes
68 Parking lot
69 Tram Genève, Industrielle
70 Bus Genève, Reverdin
71 Bus Genève, Pédiatrie
72 Bus Genève, Calas