Map of Switzerland with route planner

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Map of Switzerland with route planner


des Deux-Clefs

Rue des Malvoisins 7, 2900 Porrentruy JU

Now open until 01:30

Shown symbolsShown symbols
1 Bus Porrentruy, rte de Belfort
2 P+Rail P+Rail
3 Bus Porrentruy, avenue Cuenin
4 Bus Porrentruy, gare-Lorette
5 Railway Porrentruy
6 Bus Porrentruy, Haute-Fin
7 Parking lot
8 Bus Porrentruy, Hôpital entrée
9 Bus Porrentruy, gare
10 Bus Porrentruy, Haut de la Presse
11 Bus Porrentruy, Minoux
12 Parking lot Jura
13 Bus Porrentruy, Roche-de-Mars
14 Parking lot
15 Bus Porrentruy, Joseph Trouillat
16 Bus Porrentruy, Château
17 Bus Porrentruy, bif. de Beaupré
18 Bus Porrentruy, Petite Promenade
19 des Deux-Clefs
20 Bus Porrentruy, Rte de Courgenay
21 Bus Porrentruy, Fbg St. Germain
22 Parking lot
23 Bus Porrentruy, ville
24 Bus Porrentruy, Planchettes
25 Parking garage Migros
26 Parking lot
27 Parking lot
28 Bus Porrentruy, Vauches/Perche
29 Parking lot
30 Bus Porrentruy, Rue Merguin
31 Bus Porrentruy, les Tilleuls
32 Parking lot Tilleuls
33 Bus Porrentruy, JURASSICA Museum
34 Bus Porrentruy, St-Michel
35 Bus Porrentruy, Belle-Croix
36 Parking lot
37 Bus Porrentruy, route Bressaucourt
38 Parking lot Banné
39 Bus Porrentruy, St-Paul
40 Bus Porrentruy, Tarascon
41 Parking lot Saint-Paul
42 Bus Porrentruy, Bacavoine
43 Bus Porrentruy, Mont Terri