Open all FromSchaffhausenToBasel Bad BfWhenWednesday, 11/13/2024Close all FromSchaffhausenToBasel Bad BfWhenWednesday, 11/13/2024

09:00+19' – 10:12+12' 1h 05'

  1. IRE 3 (heading for Basel Bad Bf) up to terminal station (Duration: 72') IRE 3

09:00+19' – 10:12+12' 1h 05'

  1. IRE 3 (heading for Basel Bad Bf) up to terminal station (Duration: 72') IRE 3
  1. 09:00+19'10:12+12'
    1. 09:15+18'

      Erzingen (Baden)

    2. 09:24+17'

      Tiengen (Hochrhein)

    3. 09:34+13'


    4. 09:49+12'

      Bad Säckingen

    5. 10:01+12'

      Rheinfelden (Baden)

  2. Basel Bad Bf

    arrival track 7

10:00+1' – 11:12+1' 1h 12'

  1. IRE 3 (heading for Basel Bad Bf) up to terminal station (Duration: 72') IRE 3

10:00+1' – 11:12+1' 1h 12'

  1. IRE 3 (heading for Basel Bad Bf) up to terminal station (Duration: 72') IRE 3
    1. Erzingen (Baden)

    2. Tiengen (Hochrhein)

    3. Waldshut

    4. Bad Säckingen

    5. Rheinfelden (Baden)

  1. Basel Bad Bf

    arrival track 7

11:00+0' – 12:12+0' 1h 12'

  1. IRE 3 (heading for Basel Bad Bf) up to terminal station (Duration: 72') IRE 3

11:00+0' – 12:12+0' 1h 12'

  1. IRE 3 (heading for Basel Bad Bf) up to terminal station (Duration: 72') IRE 3
    1. Erzingen (Baden)

    2. Tiengen (Hochrhein)

    3. Waldshut

    4. Bad Säckingen

    5. Rheinfelden (Baden)

  1. Basel Bad Bf

    arrival track 7

12:00+0' – 13:12+0' 1h 12'

  1. IRE 3 (heading for Basel Bad Bf) up to terminal station (Duration: 72') IRE 3

12:00+0' – 13:12+0' 1h 12'

  1. IRE 3 (heading for Basel Bad Bf) up to terminal station (Duration: 72') IRE 3
    1. Erzingen (Baden)

    2. Tiengen (Hochrhein)

    3. Waldshut

    4. Bad Säckingen

    5. Rheinfelden (Baden)

  1. Basel Bad Bf

    arrival track 7