
 Traffic jam along the route

A2 Luzern to Gotthard between Wassen and Göschenen stopped traffic for 3 km, traffic congestion, delays up to 30 minutes

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Cordulaplatz 3, Baden Via Zurigo 32b, Lugano 219 km 2 h 58 min

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0 m
< 1 min
On Cordulaplatz heading south
Ban on motorised traffic!
continue 72 m
At the end of the road turn to the right in Weite Gasse
continue 12 m
slight right in Kirchweg
continue 13 m
Turn to the right in Mellingerstrasse
continue 19 m
Turn to the left in Neuenhoferstrasse
continue 2.4 km (approx. 4 min)
2.5 km
5 min
merge left on the slip road for A1/A3/E60 towards Zürich
continue 9.9 km (approx. 7 min)

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12.4 km
13 min
At interchange Limmattaler Kreuz merge right. Follow the signs for Luzern
continue 33.4 km (approx. 24 min)
45.8 km
36 min
At interchange Rütihof merge right. Follow the signs for Gotthard
continue 27.1 km (approx. 18 min)
72.9 km
54 min
Leave highway A4/E41 towards Gotthard, Altdorf, Morschach
continue 14.6 km (approx. 17 min) through Sisikon, pass a roundabout
87.6 km
1 h 11 min
merge left on the slip road for A2/E35 towards Lugano, Gotthard. Follow the signs for Lugano
continue 124 km (approx. 1 h 31 min)
211.9 km
2 h 43 min
Leave highway A2/E35 at exit 49 towards Lugano Nord, Ponte Tresa
continue 1.2 km

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213.1 km
2 h 44 min
slight left
continue 250 m
Roundabout: to the left (3. exit)
continue 3.5 km (approx. 5 min) through Vezia and Canobbio
216.9 km
2 h 49 min
Roundabout: 2. exit in Via Sonvico
continue 280 m (approx. 2 min)
217.2 km
2 h 51 min
Turn to the right in Via alla Bozzoreda
continue 1.8 km (approx. 6 min)
219 km
2 h 57 min
In Lugano turn to the right in Via Zurigo
continue 401 m
219.4 km
2 h 58 min
Destination reached