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Cordulaplatz 3, Baden Gwatt, Schmitten 121 km 1 h 37 min

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0 m
< 1 min
On Cordulaplatz heading south
Ban on motorised traffic!
continue 72 m
At the end of the road turn to the right in Weite Gasse
continue 12 m
slight right in Kirchweg
continue 13 m
Turn to the right in Mellingerstrasse
continue 2.3 km (approx. 5 min), pass a roundabout
2.4 km
6 min
Turn to the right in Badenerstrasse
continue 413 m
2.8 km
7 min
slight right follow Badenerstrasse towards Bern, Basel, Birmenstorf
continue 819 m (approx. 2 min)
3.6 km
9 min
merge left on the slip road for A1/A3/E60 towards Bern. Follow the signs for Bern
continue 93.3 km (approx. 1 h 4 min)

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96.9 km
1 h 13 min
At interchange Bern-Wankdorf merge right. Follow the signs for Fribourg
continue 16.3 km (approx. 12 min)
113.2 km
1 h 26 min
Leave highway A12/E27 at exit 10 towards Flamatt, Laupen
continue 274 m

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113.5 km
1 h 26 min
Turn to the right towards Flamatt, Laupen
continue 199 m
Roundabout: to the left (3. exit) in Bernstrasse towards Fribourg, Flamatt
continue 7.1 km (approx. 10 min) through Chrummatt and Wünnewil, pass a roundabout
120.8 km
1 h 36 min
Turn to the right in Gwattstrasse
continue 371 m
121.2 km
1 h 37 min
Destination reached