
 Traffic jam along the route

A1 Bern to Zurich between Aarau-West and Mägenwil stop and go traffic, traffic congestion

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595046,236661 Zugerstr. 8, Bremgarten 89.9 km 1 h 37 min

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0 m
< 1 min
On Rue du Château heading west
continue 233 m
233 m
1 min
Turn to the left follow Rue Saint-Germain
continue 49 m
Turn to the right in Rue de l'Hôtel-de-Ville
continue 242 m (approx. 2 min)
524 m
3 min
Roundabout: to the left (3. exit) in Avenue de la Liberté towards Basel, Delémont
continue 27.3 km (approx. 33 min) through Eschert, Belprahon, Grandval, Crémines, Wirtshof, Welschenrohr, Hinter Hammer, Matzendorf and Laupersdorf, pass a roundabout
27.9 km
36 min
In Balsthal roundabout: to the right (1. exit) in Solothurnerstrasse
continue 3.9 km (approx. 6 min) through Oensingen, pass a roundabout
31.7 km
41 min
merge left on the slip road for A1/E25 towards Zürich, Luzern, Basel. Follow the signs for Zürich
continue 40.4 km (approx. 28 min)

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72.1 km
1 h 9 min
Leave highway A1 at exit 51 towards Lenzburg, Wohlen
continue 8.6 km (approx. 12 min) through Horner, pass 2 roundabouts
80.7 km
1 h 21 min
In Wohlen AG turn to the left in Villmergerstrasse
continue 1.1 km (approx. 3 min), pass 2 roundabouts
81.8 km
1 h 24 min
Roundabout: 2. exit in Bünzstrasse
continue 4.7 km (approx. 7 min), pass a roundabout
86.5 km
1 h 31 min
Roundabout: 2. exit follow 1
continue 2.5 km (approx. 4 min), pass a roundabout
89 km
1 h 35 min
In Bremgarten AG turn to the right in Zürcherstrasse
continue 707 m (approx. 2 min)
89.7 km
1 h 37 min
Turn to the left in Zugerstrasse
continue 253 m
89.9 km
1 h 37 min
Destination reached