
Jérémie Tenthorey 076 343 16 24


Kinesiology in Moudon

Welcome to Jérémie Tenthorey’s kinesiology, numerology and Bach flower practice!

I specialize in using different techniques to help my clients regain their well-being and balance. I believe that each person is unique and deserves a personalized approach to solving their physical, emotional and mental problems.

I use kinesiology to identify imbalances in the body and find appropriate solutions to treat them. I also use numerology to understand each client's personality and individual challenges, in order to create effective and personalized treatment plans.

In addition to kinesiology and numerology, I am also trained in the use of Bach flowers, natural herbal remedies that help reduce stress, anxiety and emotional imbalances.

My mission is to provide my clients with quality, comprehensive care.




-Bach flowers



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Opening hours

Mon-Sat 08:00-12:00, 13:00-19:00
Special opening hours
Selon entente

Payment methods

  • Cash