
At this particular spot on the Lake Uri, William Tell allegedly escaped from bailiff Gessler by leaping out of a boat.
The chapel built in 1879/80 is adorned with four magnificent frescoes by the Basel artist Ernst Stückelberg; which depict "the Rütli oath", "shooting of the apple" "Tell's leap" and "the death of Gessler in the Hohle Gasse". King Ludwig II of Bavaria also had the idea of erecting a gigantic figure of Tell in the water - intended to symbolize Tell's leap.
t was to be so big that even steamships could navigate between the feet of the figure (similar to the Colossus of Rhodes), but the idea never bore fruit.
The Tell Chapel can be reached by boat or on foot from the parking lot of the hotel Tellsplatte, which is on the Axenstrasse. Just above the chapel, since 2001, visitors also discover Switzerland’s largest carillon - the melodious tones of which are heard each hour on the dot.

General info

  • Indoor
  • Suitable for: Couples, Groups, Individual
  • Needed time: 2 to 4 hours (half day)
  • Experience Type: Nature, Relax, Education

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