Energy spots in the Aletsch Arena


It should come as no surprise that the unique countryside of the Aletsch Arena is a place of energy and power. Where Mother Nature has created such extraordinary beauty, there must surely be a strong sense of her positive energy.
The natural energy specialist Philippe Elsener has explored the Aletsch Arena and found many places where the positive energy of the earth rays is particularly strong. The energy spots of the Aletsch Arena view points are described as strengthening and restoring, inspiring and refreshing – another great reason to take a view point trip to Hohfluh/Moosfluh, Bettmerhorn or Eggishorn. Soak in the spectacular views of the Great Aletsch Arena and the Valais peaks: simply breathing, deeply and freely, is an intense experience in such an energy spot.

“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
More Information:

Aletsch Arena (Riederalp, Bettmeralp, Fiesch-Eggishorn)

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