13 Kilometer-long toboggan fun


Up on the Fiescheralp tobogganists are surrounded 4000-meter-high peaks as far as the eye can see. A breathtaking mountain world together with attractive toboggan run from the Fiescheralp to Lax make this an unforgettable experience for all the family.
Following an approximately 5-minute foot march from the mountain station to your departure point, seemingly endless fun can begin on this beautifully prepared 13-kilometer-long piste to Lax. Fast, safe and with imposing panoramic views is the best way to describe the initial part of the run; followed by a more leisurely and romantic pace along the second and third legs, in part through snowy woods. This long and dream-like run finishes just short of Lax!
Starting point: Fiescheralp (2222 m above sea level)
Accessibility of starting point: Cable car
Destination: Lax (1039 above sea level)
Altitude difference: 1183 m
Length: 13 km
Level of difficulty: easy
Toboggan rental on site: yes
Night floodlighting: no
Refreshments: at the start and at the finish

General info

  • Experience Type: Adventure

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