
Located in the heart of the city, opposite the Museo d'Arte, Lido Riva Caccia features a floating wooden deck that rocks gently to and fro like a boat.
Lake Lugano’s lido offers everything bathers and sun worshippers could ever want: a lakeside pool, diving platform, sun deck, changing rooms, showers and gastronomy. The floating deck affords breathtaking views of the mountains surrounding the lake.
Getting there: By bus nos. 2 and 4 from the train station to “Lugano, Loreto”, bus no. 1 from Paradiso to “Lugano, Malpensata” or by boat to “Lugano, Centrale”, from there it is approx. 1km on foot, there is no parking in the immediate area of the spa.

General info

  • Season: June - September
  • Outdoor
  • Suitable for: Children, Couples, Families, Individual
  • Needed time: 2 to 4 hours (half day)
  • Experience Type: Nature, Relax, Active

Lido Riva Caccia

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