Riding with sled dogs

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A truly emotional winter experience: gliding through the Jurassic Freiberg mountains with huskies, appreciating the strength and exhilaration of the dogs – now that’s what you call a smooth ride in the far north.
Anouk Duflon owns a pack of around 30 huskies in the Freiberg mountains, not counting the retired dogs. The musher is a true animal-lover who knows, respects and adores her dogs. Her experience relies on a strong bond between humans and animals. The guests are introduced to dog sledding and learn how to lead a team of dogs. The activity can be tailored to families. After half a day with the pack of huskies, you could be forgiven for thinking that you were actually at the Arctic Circle and not just in the Jura.

General info

  • Outdoor
  • Needed time: 2 to 4 hours (half day)
  • Suitable for: Couples, Families, Groups, Individual
  • Execution: On demand

Group & pricing information

  • Group Size: 1 - 10
  • Price from: 90 CHF

Booking Information

Jura Tourisme, Saignelégier

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