From 7 to 14 light rain. In the second half of the day overcast. Temperatures between 8 and 12 degrees.


Carì is situated on the southern slope of the Leventina Valley above Faido at 1,650m above sea level: an ideal place for sports and nature enthusiasts.
High above Leventina, near the tree line, and on the mountain road Strada Alta, you will find the vacation resort of Carì (1650 meters). At Faido a small postal car climbs the mountain road on the southern slope of the Leventina Valley, leaving the rail and road traffic behind.
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From 7 to 14 light rain. In the second half of the day overcast. Temperatures between 8 and 12 degrees.



From 7 to 14 light rain. In the second half of the day overcast. Temperatures between 8 and 12 degrees.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What activities are popular in Carì?

Some popular activities are: Flying through the air in tandem and Carì Bike.

What types of activities are available in Carì?

In Carì, you can engage in the following types of activities: Mountain bike.

What places are located near Carì?

Near Carì, you can find Airolo and Giornico.

What views are there in Carì?

In Carì, there is Panorama.

What leisure activities is Carì particularly known for?

Carì is known for family

Which public transport options are available to reach Carì?

Carì is accessible by local bus, by car and by bus.

Which season is recommended to visit Carì?

Carì is suitable for visits in winter and summer.