Overcast, light showers. Temperatures between 15 and 22 degrees.21°


A delightful journey through time to where the Aare flows backwards. Feel enchanted as you stroll through the alleyways and past the impressive architecture of this quaint town.
Aarburg forms a triangle between the river and a tempered rock sill, resulting in a natural barrier on two sides. The buildings of the town are grouped around a wedge-shaped main square. 

The fortifications on the northern side were damaged by a town fire in 1840 and were not rebuilt. The old town is overlooked by a narrow, elongated rock sill, on which Aarburg Castle is situated. The castle was built at the beginning of the 12th century and developed into a strong fortification under the control of Bern. The building complex is classified as a cultural site of national importance and today serves as a juvenile detention centre.
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Overcast, light showers. Temperatures between 15 and 22 degrees.21°



Overcast, light showers. Temperatures between 15 and 22 degrees.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What activities are popular in Aarburg?

Some popular activities are: Camping Wiggerspitz.

What types of activities are available in Aarburg?

In Aarburg, you can engage in the following types of activities: Camping.

What places are located near Aarburg?

Near Aarburg, you can find Solothurn, Aarau, Rheinfelden, Bad Zurzach and Lenzburg.

Which season is recommended to visit Aarburg?

Aarburg is suitable for visits in summer.