
Eastern Switzerland is internationally recognised for its textile tradition and for its outstanding expertise in this industry. A trail through the city of St. Gallen will teach you lots of interesting facts about Eastern Switzerland's textile industry.
The five-kilometre St. Gallen textile trail will take you to standout buildings for the textile industry in the heart of the city. There are all manner of things to learn about the history and architecture of the buildings, as well as how they are used today.
The trail takes between one and two hours, depending on your pace and how long you like to stop off at each building for. QR codes at the individual stop-off points reveal interesting facts about the buildings and the textile legacy in St. Gallen.

General info

  • Suitable for: Couples, Groups, Individual
  • Outdoor
  • Experience Type: Urban, Culture, Education
  • Needed time: 1-2 hours

Group & pricing information

St.Gallen-Bodensee Tourismus

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