Hôtel de Ville - Restaurant 'Le Bistrot'

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Hôtel de Ville - Restaurant 'Le Bistrot'

Grand Rue 70
1660 Château-d'Oex VD


Téléphone 026 924 74 77 *
Social Media
* Ne souhaite pas de publicité


Restaurant 'Le Bistrot'

The hotel in Château-d'Oex is situated in the center of the village. At the heart of the Pays-d'Enhaut, in the Pre-Alps, which offers differents activities including sport, culture and family.

With a wide choice of summer and winter activities, this small village is the ideal place to spend a few days, relaxing and appreciating the authentic atmosphere of the swiss mountains. Outdoor sports, nordique walking, ski lifts, terroir product tasting, Balloon festival, Childrens festival...and a lot more activities, which makes this region, inescapable and unforgettable!

Avis des clients

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Sites internet
Pays d'Enhaut (37838)
générale de printemps Suivie d'un repas Au Montagnard, Château-d'Oex 2 mag 18:30 22:30 Apéro Contact Hôtel de Ville,3792 Saanen 6 giu 18:30 22:30 Apéro Contact Hôtel de Ville,

Heures d'ouverture

Lu-Di 07:00-14:00

Moyens de paiement

  • American Express
  • Eurocard/Mastercard
  • Visa
  • Au comptant
  • Maestro (EC)
  • Postcard

Accessibilité Hôtel de Ville

Non accessible en fauteuil roulantToilettes non accessibles en fauteuil roulantPas de places de stationnement accessibles