Fun With English Club The Hungry Caterpillar

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Fun With English Club The Hungry Caterpillar

Ann Lloyd
Fun courses for English beginners and native speakers. From ages 2.5yrs old to 18 years old. We offer animated, fun and effective ways of learning English. We have camps in the holidays too.
Rue de l'Aiselet 4
1262 Eysins VD


Mobile 078 717 40 55 *
Social Media
* Ne souhaite pas de publicité

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Fun With English Club The Hungry Caterpillar

Ann Lloyd
Fun courses for English beginners and native speakers. From ages 2.5yrs old to 18 years old. We offer animated, fun and effective ways of learning English. We have camps in the holidays too.
Rue de l'Aiselet 4
1262 Eysins VD

078 717 40 55 *

Avis des clients

 Note: 5 (3 évaluations)

  1. Quelle est votre expérience?Évaluer maintenant
Source des données: Swisscom Directories SA

Heures d'ouverture

Lu 15:00-19:30
Ma 16:00-18:30
Me 08:30-18:30
Je 09:00-18:30
Ve 08:30-18:30
Sa 08:30-11:30
Heures d'ouvertures spéciales
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