Etrion SA

Etrion SA

Rue de la Rôtisserie 1
1204 Genève


Téléphone 022 715 20 90 *
Fax 022 715 20 99
E-mail Contacter *
* Ne souhaite pas de publicité

Produits, services

Etrion is an independent power producer (IPP) that owns and operates renewable assets
Current operations in Europe with new growth expected in the Americas
Focus is on power purchase agreements (PPAs) with industrial clients in the Americas complemented by high quality Feed-in-Tariff (FiT) environments like Italy
Future growth will be driven by markets with:
large energy demand
high electricity prices
abundant renewable resources (i.e., solar, wind and hydro)
reliable government support to renewable energy

Avis des clients

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Source des données: SwisscomDirectories