Tandem International Multilingual School

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Tandem International Multilingual School

Multilingual Early Years Groups, Pre-School and Primary School for children from 0 to 12 years - German, English, French
Seefeldstrasse 111
8008 Zürich


Téléphone 043 500 10 30 *
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* Ne souhaite pas de publicité


Multilingual Day Care, Pre-School, Kindergarten and Primary School

Tandem International Multilingual School is an international school with three school premises on the northern shore of Lake Zurich. We offer places for children starting from the age of 6 months, currently going up to 2nd year of primary school at our Zurich location.

Our programmes are bilingual, English-German or trilingual, English-German-French.

Produits, services

Kindergarten, Vorschule, Primarschule

Inscriptions similaires

Tandem International Multilingual School

Multilingual Early Years Groups, Pre-School and Primary School for children from 0 to 12 years - German, English, French
Seefeldstrasse 111
8008 Zürich

043 500 10 30 *

Avis des clients

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Source des données: Swisscom Directories SA

Heures d'ouverture

Lu-Ve 07:30-18:30
Heures d'ouvertures spéciales
Sportferien 15.02-26.02.2021