Arranged wholly in the style of its French (or western Swiss) predecessors, this via ferrata has optimum safety. The views across and down into the Val de Travers from above, on the broad rock barrier, are very appealing. The route is 550 metres long, largely following natural ledges, where the safety rope generally also serves as a hand-hold rope. The site is closed from January 1 to June 30 and cannot be climbed then (it is the nesting period for the wallcreeper).
Difficulty K3. This is not a ferrata to strike terror into the heart, and can even be tackled with older children (with additional rope securing). More important than genuine climbing skills are the ability to move easily, and having no fear of heights.
Starting-point There is a car park at the Restaurant Haut de la Côte (1,035 m); please do not park by the entrance to the ferrata! The restaurant is reached from the Val de Travers or from Les Ponts-de-Martel. On foot, coming from the station in Noiraigue (733 m), it is a good hour to the start of the via ferrata; the route is well marked (but needs care when crossing the main road).
Walk-in (Noiraigue) From the car park, follow a marked path a little way along the ridge and then descend to the asphalt road, keeping to the right. Cross this road and walk through the wood to the start.
Tichodrome via ferrata Climbing on natural ledges of rock across the rupture in the rock; alternating easy and airy passages - and particularly memorable are the ones where you are forced to hang away from the rock face on a rope which is not fully taut. The "Surplomb du Nid" section similarly offers that sensation of having plenty of air under your feet. The via ferrata finishes below the viewing point (1,119 m), but the walk up there is an absolute must.
Descent Either to the left, along the ridge on the high Jura path ("Jurahöhenweg") to the start of the via ferrata (and back to the station) or via the wooded crest down to the restaurant car park.

Eugen E. Hüsler/Daniel Anker: Wandern vertikal. Die Klettersteige der Schweiz, AT Verlag, Baden 2004
Region: Neuchâtel Jura, Val de Travers
Peaks/Highest point: Clusette (viewing point, 1,119 m)
Time required: 2 hours (via ferrata takes at least 1 hour)
Variation in height: 150 m