Set in the heart of Lausanne, the Flon area has evolved in recent years into a modern and innovative district which pulsates both day and night.
Formerly the site of storage and transhipment facilities, the Flon area has now been transformed into a gigantic collection of avant-garde-like buildings that are home to shopping malls, offices, canton administration, parking garages, apartments and nightly entertainment venues. The architects were careful to preserve the original style of this 1900’s industrial area with its rectangular building shapes and outlines and its unique character while completing the area with new buildings of modern design.
The Pépinières, the three buildings by the Basler architects Burkhardt+Partner in the heart of the Flon district, are the crowning glory of the popular quarter from a visual perspective. While buildings A and B impress with their contemporary architecture, the engraved facade of building C enchants with its Arabic look.