Goetheanum – Goethe's Faust in Rudolf Steiner House

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The Goetheanum, the anthroposophical center in Dornach, was the site of the world premiere of Goethe's Faust (Part I and II) in 1938. To this day, Faust is regularly staged in the unconventional building from the 1920s.
With two stages and numerous event spaces, the Goetheanum is a house of culture and a place for meetings of the mind on the outskirts of Basel.

The present building was built in decorative concrete without a single right angle between 1925 and 1928. It was designed by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, and named after Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The building is fitted beautifully into the landscape. It is nevertheless an imposing structure with a widely drawn roof. Together with an extensive park and additional buildings it forms a harmonious complex.

Every year, 700 meetings, conferences, guided tours and theater performances take place here.

General info

  • Experience Type: Culture

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