
Barren highland moors, flower-filled lowland fens and unspoiled moorlands are a treat for the senses! Moors stretch out as far as the eye can see. Nowhere else in Switzerland has as much national protected moorlands in one small area than Entlebuch.
The Moorlandschaftspfad (Moorlands Trail) is an 80-kilometre, long-distance hiking trail (five one-day stages) that threads its way through this fascinating landscape. Markers along the way indicate the corresponding section of the accompanying brochure, drawing your attention to all the most notable features. They are designed as interactive information points.

Various accommodation options
You will find a variety of places to stay along the Moorlands Trail with something to suit every budget and taste. Whether you like to keep things simple and rustic and sleep in the straw or in a dormitory on an Alpine farm, or prefer something romantic with a room in an old farmhouse or in the dignified surroundings of a hotel – it’s entirely up to you! You will find more details in the brochure about the Moorlands Trail.

Laubersmad is a highland moor not far from Salwideli in Sörenberg and is a biotope of national importance with a typical marsh and mountain pine forest. Mentioned in the Ramsar List of Wetlands of International Importance, it is one of the most beautiful highland moors in the Biosphere Entlebuch (access to the margins only and not to be entered under any circumstances).
More information about the Moorlands Trail, including GPS tracks

General info

  • Season: June - October
  • Suitable for: Groups, Individual, Families
  • Needed time: 4 to 8 hours (full day)

UNESCO Biosphäre Entlebuch

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