In the heart of Graubünden you will find a magnificent natural landscape that is largely designed by the culture of the Walser people. While in winter a white snow-clad landscape delights visitors, in summer they can walk across flower-rich meadows and pastures.
As one of the most original regions of Switzerland, the Safien Valley in the Surselva offers culture, nature and authenticity. Luxury is interpreted here with serenity and simplicity. The Safien Valley stands for deceleration in its purest form – no matter whether in winter or summer. All this in the midst of a magnificent mountain world.
But what makes this valley different from the 149 others in the canton is the legacy its inhabitants have left over the centuries. Homes, hay barns and alpine huts are not clustered together, but scattered like black dots around the hillsides between the high mountains. This form of settlement originated with the Walsers, who came here in the 14th century from the Valais, felled trees, built homes, cleared the land and cultivated it painstakingly.
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