Around 20 o'clock light showers. Temperatures between 14 and 18 degrees.17°

Brugg AG

The pretty little town of Brugg and the commune of Windisch are located in the heart of the canton of Aargau, 30 km from Zurich at the confluence of three rivers: the Reuss, Limmat and Aare.
Over the course of history, Brugg and Windisch were hosts to two world powers. Historic artefacts of global standing can be seen here, dating from the Habsburg and Roman eras and the Middle Ages. Visitors can also enjoy authentic experiences at Brugg Railway Park as they explore the history of the Swiss as a railway nation.
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Around 20 o'clock light showers. Temperatures between 14 and 18 degrees.17°

Brugg AG


Around 20 o'clock light showers. Temperatures between 14 and 18 degrees.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What places are located near Brugg AG?

Near Brugg AG, you can find Solothurn, Aarau, Rheinfelden, Bad Zurzach and Olten.

What leisure activities is Brugg AG particularly known for?

Brugg AG is known for wine, fish and family

Which public transport options are available to reach Brugg AG?

Brugg AG is accessible by train, by local bus, by car and by bus.

Which season is recommended to visit Brugg AG?

Brugg AG is suitable for visits in summer.