
Plättli Zoo is one of the few remaining private zoos in Switzerland that has been able to survive without public funding, possibly because of the charming atmosphere in the zoo and the large variety of animal species.
The animal world, ranging from the lion to the hedgehog, feels so much at home in this zoo that offspring are welcomed into the world on a regular basis. A lion pair and a puma pair have been happily cavorting in Plättli Zoo for years. Barbary apes, brush-ear monkeys and chimpanzees clamber about the tree branches and a variety of parrots entertain visitors with their cries. Children especially like the guinea pigs, bunnies and tame ferrets and would love to take them home.

Informazioni generali

  • Tempo necessario: Da 2 a 4 ore
  • All’aperto
  • Esperienza tipo: Educazione, Natura

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