Live Escape Adventure

  • Immagine 1


MysteryRooms is a special Escape games, adventure games and team building events company. Whether for singles, couples, large groups, or corporate customers MysteryRooms develops special experience events that not only guarantee a high fun factor, but also promote team spirit and also require logical thinking.
At the Interlaken location, there are two MysteryRooms that promise a lot of puzzle fun:

"The Secret of the Captain" is our game of chance and is particularly well suited as a first experience. The players are in the nostalgically furnished room of the Captain. The innovative rippled design offers exciting challenges in the areas of combining & concentrating, searching & finding as well as dexterity and sensor technology. A game that is played with all your senses.

Mind Games
The space of the player
Modern design, high-tech puzzles of cables, lights and computers and board games combine to make this interactive puzzle fun. You are in the room of the player, who seems to be a very sophisticated fellow and puts you to the test with tricky puzzles. You do not need to be a chess world champion to play mind games, but logical thinking and team spirit, as well as skill, is important to unlock the player's secret

Informazioni generali

  • Al coperto
  • Tempo necessario: Da 2 a 4 ore
  • Adatto per: Gruppi

Informazioni su gruppi e prezzi

  • Dimensione dei gruppi: 2 - 6
  • Prezzo da: 39 CHF

MysteryRooms Interlaken

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