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Bad Ragaz St. Martin (Lugnez) 64.3 km 1 h 3 min

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0 m
< 1 min
On Maienfelderstrasse heading southeast
continue 1.4 km (approx. 2 min), pass a roundabout
1.4 km
2 min
Turn to the left on the slip road for A13/E43 towards Chur
continue 27.1 km (approx. 17 min)

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28.5 km
19 min
Leave highway A13/E43 at exit 18 towards Reichenau, Disentis, Mustér, Ilanz, Flims, Domat/Ems
continue 361 m
28.9 km
20 min
Turn to the right in 19 towards Disentis/Mustér, Flims
continue 21.9 km (approx. 25 min) through Tamins, Trin Mulin, Laax, Schluein and Ilanz, pass 2 roundabouts
50.7 km
45 min
Roundabout: to the left (3. exit)
continue 531 m
51.3 km
46 min
Roundabout: 2. exit in Via Sogn Martin
continue 384 m
51.7 km
47 min
Turn to the right in Valserstrasse
continue 12.5 km (approx. 16 min) through Uors-Peiden
64.2 km
1 h 2 min
Turn to the right in San Martin
continue 128 m
Destination reached