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Bahnhofstr., Langenthal Hinter dem Löwen, Berken 6.7 km 15 min

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0 m
< 1 min
On Bahnhofstrasse heading south
continue 44 m
Turn to the right in Bützbergstrasse
continue 1.6 km (approx. 4 min), pass 5 roundabouts
1.6 km
4 min
Roundabout: to the left (3. exit) in Zürichstrasse
continue 1.8 km (approx. 3 min), pass 2 roundabouts
3.4 km
7 min
Turn to the right in Solothurnstrasse
continue 3.3 km (approx. 6 min) through Graben
6.6 km
13 min
In Berken turn to the right follow Unterberken
continue 65 m
At the end of the road turn to the right
continue 35 m
Destination reached