Face and Bodyline

Closed until tomorrow 09:00

Face and Bodyline

Permanent Make-up, Body-Tattoo's
Hauptstrasse 39
8224 Löhningen SH


Phone 052 620 47 37
Fax 052 685 37 17 *
* No advertising material

Customer feedback

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Web pages
Face and Bodyline
Bodyline Menu studio yolanda tattoos permanent make-up kontakt #faceandbodyline das studio das studio yolanda gut zu wissen Face and Bodyline ist eine Einzelfirma und wurde am 22.
Data source: Swisscom Directories AG

Opening hours

Mon 09:00-12:00, 14:00-18:00
Wed 14:00-18:00
Thu 09:00-12:00, 14:00-19:00
Special opening hours
Closed until further notice