Dentalp SA

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Dentalp SA

Studio dentistico - Odontotecnico - Igiene dentale - Protesi
Via Vecchia Ferrovia 28
6742 Pollegio TI


Phone 091 225 52 35 *
Social Media
* No advertising material


Dentalp, is the dental office in Pollegio that has been caring for your smile with passion and professionalism since 2021. It has a team of 4 highly qualified dentists, specializing in chiururgy, orthodontics, prosthodontics, conservative and pedodontics, 2 specialized dental technicians and a dental hygienist.

At our practice, we provide you with the latest technology to ensure a state-of-the-art dental care experience. We have a computed tomography (CT) machine, which allows us to make precise diagnoses and plan personalized treatments for each individual patient, and a 3D scanner.

Our focus on the health of your smile also extends to orthodontics. We make clear corrective splints, offering aesthetic and comfortable solutions for optimal results in tooth alignment.

Your health is our priority, which is why we guarantee 24-hour phone availability by message. We are here to answer your questions, resolve concerns or provide assistance at any time.

  • hygiene and prevention
  • fillings
  • root canal treatments
  • inlays
  • sealants
  • bridges, crowns and veneers
  • implantology
  • periodontal regeneration
  • total rehabilitations
  • fixed and removable prostheses
  • corrective splints
  • fixed orthodontic appliances
  • awake sedation with laughing gas
  • digital impressions
  • orthopantomographies, CT scans
  • repairs of fixed or removable dentures

Products, services

Riabilitazione protesica

Attraverso l'uso di protesi dentali avanzate e materiali di alta qualità, il nostro team specializzato crea un piano personalizzato per garantirti un sorriso completo e confortevole.

Riabilitazione totale

Attraverso un approccio personalizzato, il nostro team di esperti combina protesi dentali avanzate e procedure di implantologia per restituire comfort, estetica e piena funzionalità al tuo sorriso, trasformando la tua qualità della vita.

Sbiancamento dei denti

Grazie alle nostre tecniche di sbiancamento avanzate e sicure, eliminiamo macchie e discolorazioni, restituendo ai tuoi denti la luminosità naturale.

Customer feedback

 Rating: 5 (6 ratings)

  1. What's your experience?Rate now

Opening hours

Mon 07:30-17:00
Tue 07:30-16:00
Wed 07:30-17:00
Thu 07:30-16:00
Fri 07:30-17:00
Sat 07:30-16:00

Payment methods

  • Bill
  • Cash