Simona Filippo
Clinica Santa Chiara SA Pronto soccorso 24 > Oftalmologia

Simona, Filippo

dr. med. FMH in oftalmologia e oftalmochirurgia
Via Stazione 9
6600 Muralto TI


Phone 091 743 26 26
Fax 091 743 59 66 *
* No advertising material

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 Rating: 4.3 (3 ratings)

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Web pages
ᐅ Oftalmologi a Muralto | ✅offerte & recensioni
➤ 3 cliniche oculistiche a Muralto - confrontare e leggere rapporti di esperienza. ➤ Confronta ora oftalmologi e richiedi un offerta.
ᐅ ophthalmologists in PC 6597 | ✅Compare the best providers
➤ Compare 0 ophthalmologists in postcode 6597 and read reviews. ➤ Find the best ophthalmic practices now and get offers.
Data source: Swisscom Directories AG