Thanatorium Lausanne

Now open

Thanatorium Lausanne

Myriame Marti
Soins post mortem - Dernière belle image Thanatopraxie - Soins de reconstruction
Chemin des Clos 12
1020 Renens VD


Portable 079 134 09 09
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A final beautiful image

The role of Myriame Marti, a Swiss embalmer (thanatopractor) who trained in Germany in 2017 and
is recognised by the Cantonal Public Health Service, is to make an open-coffin tribute possible.

Thanatopraxy, or embalming, is the hygiene and conservation of a dead person’s body. Its purpose is
to create one final beautiful image of the loved one and give the family more time to mourn.

After death, the body changes and the marks of death transform its appearance. Embalming delays
this process and preserves the facial features of the deceased.

Thanatopraxy treatment may be mandatory for repatriation to certain countries. The non-exhaustive
list of these countries can be found on

In the case of accidents, reconstruction work may also be required.

Families have the choice of contacting Myriame Marti directly or through their funeral consultant.

Thanatorium is a member of the Swiss Funeral Services Association and therefore complies with the
profession’s Code of Honour.

Web pages
Thanatorium - Schweiz. Verband der Bestattungsdienste
Thanatorium - Schweiz. Verband der Bestattungsdienste Primary Menu Alle Bestattungsunternehmen Andere SVBDie Versorgung der Verstorbenen, wie sie Thanatorium durchführt,

Opening hours

Mon-Sun 00:00-24:00