Defrance Jean-Pierre

Now open

Defrance, Jean-Pierre

Avenue du Rothorn 20
3960 Sierre VS


Phone 027 565 62 62 *
Fax 027 565 62 26 *
* No advertising material

Customer feedback

 Rating: 4.4 (5 ratings)

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Web pages
ᐅ pediatricians in PC 3963 | ✅Compare the best providers
➤ Compare 0 pediatricians in postcode 3963 and read reviews. ➤ Find the best pediatric practices now and get offers.
Data source: Swisscom Directories AG

Opening hours

Mon 08:00-12:00, 13:30-17:00
Tue 08:00-12:00
Wed-Thu 08:00-12:00, 13:30-17:00
Fri 08:00-12:00
Special opening hours
Les horaires peuvent varier selon entente avec les patients.