Alpine Panorama Route, Stage 4/9

National route No. 4, Stage 4: Flüelen – Sörenberg
  • Image 1


National route
No. 4 (St. Margrethen – Aigle)
77 km
Ascent • Descent
↑ 900 m • ↓ 1600 m
Lowest point • Highest point
434 m • 716 m
Fitness level
National route No. 4: Alpine Panorama Route
0. Appenzell – Glarus
0. Flüelen – Sörenberg
0. Glarus – Flüelen
0. Variante Sörenberg – Schangnau
0. Thun – Fribourg
0. Fribourg – Montbovon
0. Montbovon – Aigle
0. Sörenberg – Thun
0. St. Margrethen – Appenzell
The Axenstrasse is closed until further notice. Lake Lucerne is a lake with many faces in the heart of Switzerland and often whipped up by the wind. Lovely Lake Sarnen is close to where Brother Klaus, also known as Niklaus von der Flüe, once lived. And the crowning glory for bike riders: Panoramastrasse, a steep mountain pass leading to the Entlebuch valley.

Height profile


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