The twelve-kilometre Witches’ Descent from the Hohstock to Blatten calls for a fairly high level of fitness. The upper part of the piste is quite steep and challenging, but further down you follow some comfortable curves over Alpine terrain and through mountain forest.
It is said that there was once a witch who did her nefarious deeds on the Belalp. In memory of this, Switzerland’s biggest and most unusual popular ski race is held each January on this panoramic sunny mountain terrace. The skiers dress up as witches and wear fierce masks. In these outfits they whizz down from the Hohstock on the “upper witch” and “lower witch” pistes to Kühmatte and from there via Tschuggen further down into the valley. The Witches’ Descent ends up in the pretty mountain village of Blatten.
Starting point: Hohbiel (2680 m a.s.l.)
Accessibility of starting point: chairlift
Destination: Kühmatte (2047 m a.s.l.)
Altitude difference: 633 Meter
Level of difficulty: medium (normal slope)
Food and beverages: at the start and at the end