Matterhorn Glacier Paradise


The Zermatt Bergbahnen AG take visitors right to Europe’s highest mountain station – at amazing 3883 metres.
The panoramic view over the largest glaciers of the Alps and over no fewer than 38 breathtaking giants of the Swiss, French and Italian Alps is truly unparalleled. The Mont Blanc, highest mountain of the Alps, appears almost near enough to touch.

Visitors are very close to Italian territory now and look at the “endearing rear” of the famous Matterhorn. Below them at the foot of the mountain, they can see Europe’s largest ski region, open 365 days a year.


Altitude:  3883 m a.s.l.

Arrival: Train from Brig/Visp to Zermatt, walkway or local bus to lower terminus Matterhorn glacier paradise

Timetable:  Operates year-round

Travel duration to summit:  45 mins

Attractions:  Cinema Lounge, Europe’s highest viewing platform, glacier palace with sculptures and ice chute, restaurant with Peak Shop and accommodation with Minergie-P standard for mountaineers, Peak Shop with summit souvenirs and Europe’s highest storage summit wine

Food & beverage: Restaurant with local cuisine

Specials:  For adventurers who would like to add a 4000-metre summit to their collection, the Breithorn tour is the very thing, perfect for experienced mountaineers

General info

  • Suitable for: Children, Couples, Families, Groups, Individual
  • Needed time: 4 to 8 hours (full day)
  • Experience Type: Adventure, Nature
  • Outdoor

Zermatt Bergbahnen AG

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