Peat Trail – A bog and its history

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In the Neuenburg Jura at Les Pont-des-Mortel Switzerland’s largest contiguous high moorland is found. An exciting hiking loop takes you through this expansive landscape to the heart of the Red Moor.
Since the retreat of the glaciers, moors have developed here – a development that took thousands of years. Various circumstances mean that today only a little of the formerly extensive moors exists.

Signposts on the marked trail tell of the great importance that the peat bogs once enjoyed. Far into the 20th century peat was cut for garden soil and heating purposes. Today these areas are protected by the Federal Swiss Constitution and can therefore be extended further. The easy hike takes about 90 minutes and begins at the Les Ponts-de-Martel Railway Station.

General info

  • Outdoor
  • Needed time: 2 to 4 hours (half day)
  • Experience Type: Nature, Education, Active

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