
Ski area upper in resort
Altitude 2200 m.a.s.l. 1550 m.a.s.l.
Depth of snow 80 cm 20 cm
New-fallen snow 5 cm 2 cm


Day ticket
Adult CHF 38.-
Young person CHF 29.-
Children CHF 26.-
Seniors -
Half-day ticket
Half-day ticket available from 11:45 hr
Adult CHF 30.-
Young person CHF 22.-
Children CHF 19.-
Seniors -
5 Day pass
Adult CHF 240.-
Young person CHF 180.-
Children CHF 160.-
Seniors -


Jeizinen Feselalp
Lifts open 5 / 5
Slopes 7
Length of slopes 8.4 / 9.9 km
Condition of snow hard, partial hard
Difficulty of slopes
  • 0% easy
  • 50% medium
  • 50% difficult
  • 0% expert
Artificial snow 1.5 km
Illuminated slopes 1.5 km
Valley runs
Open 1 / 1
Condition good

Notes from local parters

Alle Anlagen in Betrieb. Aktuell gute Bedingungen. Tellerlift jeweils am Wochenende und am Mittwoch oder auf Anfrage in Betrieb. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch. Sportbahnen Gampel-Jeizinen AG

Pisten in sehr gutem Zustand. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch. Sportbahnen Gampel-Jeizinen AG


Strasse Üflänge -Jeizinen
Number of runs open 1 / 1 Tobogganing runs
Continuous passably 100 %
Altitude difference 300 m
Condition good
Illuminated slopes 0 km
Artificial snow no
Transportation to starting point yes
Toboggan rental possible yes

Notes from local parters

Alle Anlagen in Betrieb. Aktuell wunderbares Winterwetter. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch. Sportbahnen Gampel-Jeizinen AG


Jeizinen - Üflänge
Prepared hiking trails 0 km
Snowshoe trails 6300
Snowshoe trails open 5.4 km
Condition good


Weather diagram
  • TodayLight showers with longer dry intervals. Temperatures around 7 degrees.
  • FriAt the beginning overcast, some showers. From 1 o'clock cloudless. Temperatures between -2 and 7 degrees.
  • SatAll day sunny. Temperatures at night -4, in the afternoon 6 degrees.
  • SunAll day sunny. Temperatures at night -2, in the afternoon 8 degrees.
  • MonAll day mostly sunny. Temperatures at night 1, in the afternoon 8 degrees.
  • TueAll day sunny. Temperatures at night -3, in the afternoon 9 degrees.
  • WedAll day high clouds. Temperatures at night -2, in the afternoon 11 degrees.
  • ThuAll day mostly sunny. Temperatures at night -1, in the afternoon 10 degrees.
  • FriAll day sunny. Temperatures at night -1, in the afternoon 10 degrees.
  • -4°
  • -2°
  • -3°
  • -2°
  • 11°
  • -1°
  • 10°
  • -1°
  • 10°


Other tourist office
Address Feldstrasse 2
3945 Gampel
Phone +41 (0)27 932 28 39
Fax +41 (0)27 932 33 16