Cuadras Carlos

Geschlossen bis Mo 09:00

Cuadras, Carlos

personal trainer
Rue Maunoir 7
1207 Genève


Portable 078 927 34 66 *
* Wünscht keine Werbung


Athletic Prime is a General Physical Preparation strength and conditioning program. It is for recreational athletes, masters athletes, business travellers and fitness enthusiasts interested in maintaining a satisfactory and balanced level of athleticism throughout their lives.
Improve muscle tone, strength and mobility by learning how to properly strength train with weights as well as practicing bodyweight movements on gym days.
Discover the body-shaping and physical fitness enhancing benefits of running with speed and interval sessions on track days.
Finally, become self-reliant by discovering which exercises and workout combinations work best for you and your goals as you push your body's limitations and capabilities.

Produkte, Dienstleistungen

Private and Semi Private, Physical Fitness Coaching

Zertifikate, Auszeichnungen

National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA)
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
Since 1999


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Datenquelle: Swisscom Directories AG


Mo-Fr 09:00-19:00
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