Current Observation

Pollen Alder, Birch, Grass, Mugwort, Ragweed
Pollutants NH3, CO, NO2, Ozone, PM10, PM2.5, SO2

Weather animations

Near snow sport regions with open systems
City Distance
La Fouly 111.0 km
Champex-Lac 118.7 km
Portes du Soleil - Champéry - Les Crosets - Champoussin - Morgins 118.8 km


Weather diagram
  • TodayFrom 4 o'clock slightly cloudy. Temperatures between -4 and 5 degrees.
  • SunAll day partly sunny. Temperatures at night 3, in the afternoon 8 degrees.
  • MonAll day mostly sunny. Temperatures at night 4, in the afternoon 10 degrees.
  • TueAll day mostly sunny. Temperatures between 3 and 11 degrees.
  • WedAll day high clouds. Temperatures between 5 and 12 degrees.
  • 10°
  • 11°
  • 12°